Kristi took the day off work today. I had a meeting this morning, but I spent extra time sleeping in a very comfortable spoon with my wife instead of getting up early, eating a bite, and ensuring I was prepared. I did make the meeting on time, but by the time I got home, I was hungry. After lunch, Kristi & I went for a casual drive Monday afternoon drive and bought a pumpkin at the Pumpkin Patch . We went looking for an antique fan and then to the airport to pick up my Dad.
He's flown into town to pick up a truck he purchased on eBay. We talked of the weather and Debbie's health, fasting and hope, sports and TiVo.
On the morrow I will make us breakfast and then he will drive almost 1,000 miles north to reach his home. While the visit has been short, it's been both worthwhile and enjoyable.
If appropriate, say hi for me!
Hey Jeffrey. I take my wife and kids to that same pumpkin patch every year and we have a great time. Between the hayride and all the neat things for kids to do, we always manage to have a good time.
Hope to talk to you soon,
P.S. Dennis, sell your sh!t somewhere else, we're all stocked up here.
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