This morning I had a wonderful conversation about the virtues of one of best musicals to ever hit the big screen, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Joe has never seen the movie or heard the music, so after finding nothing on Kazaa, I went to Google for a quick music download.
Lo and behold, I had forgotten they made the movie into a looking for a musical! It's currently playing in London and I can think of few better reasons to go to London than to see a classic like this. Now I only have to find time in our schedule and budget for the trip. This might have to go on my list of things to do.
Anyway, the website for the musical let's you send e-cards, including snippets of the most famous songs! Ah, glorious day, I was able to custom deliver a little nugget of sunshine to Joe and plan a vacation all at one time.
Has anyone seen the show or heard the cast recording? In particular, would anyone recommend the movie soundtrack or cast recording more?
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