Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Sony: handheld update

Update to my recent posting on Sony's handheld equipment lines.

Financial Times and others are posting stories about Sony's decision to abandon production of handheld PDAs in Europe and the US. Of interest to me is a couple of facts. One, they held third place in the marketplace with a 9.3% share. Two, they routinely had the best screens for their PDAs. In fact, all of my considerations to again buy a PDA was constrained by a desire to have a good integration with a cell phone or a Sony Clie. I know Sony's naming convention seems goofy, but the product really was a better version of the standard PDA. [side note: The inclusion of cameras into every possible device is a disservice to the product and my potential usage.]

All of which leads me to question whether Sony is pulling out of the PDA market because they are going in a new direction? Might they be forgoing both PalmOS and WinCE for a full WinXP? It seems to me they are one of the few companies with the strength to try for an early homerun. Certainly they stand a better chance if they can get the early adoption, even if the whole consumer electronics market is too tight to rationally play in.

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