So, why take a personality type indicator test?
- First, because it's somewhat fascinating. Honestly, it can be entirely enlightening to take a 15 or 45 minutes mulitple choice test and have results spit out that identify you so very well. It allows you to see how you are both different from others around you while assuring you that even though unique, you are not alone on the planet. There are others who are like you.
- Second, it can help you learn to deal with others. While I haven't experienced this, some people have been able to use the information gleamed about themselves and others as a tool helping them to have better relationships with friends, employees, co-workers, etc. Many businesses invest time and money in this hoping for this result.
- Third, it can help you make better decisions about your life. This is the area I would like to see personality indicators used more. By understanding more about yourself, you can avoid bad decisions. To put it in other terms, if a primary motivation for you is interaction in others, choose a team sport like baseball rather than swimming, where your head is in the water! More importantly, it may help you choose a better carreer. When you find jobs that meet your own, internal needs, you will achieve bigger success, easier and sooner than you would otherwise.

1 comment:
I love these things. I too took it awhile ago, about 7 years ago a couple times and then about 6 months ago again. In all cases, I've been very solidly ISTJ, and I wasn't middle of the road in any of those. Hey, look at us with the T in common!
I actually am so into this that I get a kick out of guessing what people around me (work and social relationships) are.
On a different, yet not so different note, I read once that marriages have the best chance at success if no more than 1 of the letters varies between the couple. Of course, just knowing your partner's other letters and what that means about them is probably your best strategy for success. Seems a bit obvious!
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