Thursday, August 12, 2004

Glen, Glen, Glen, Glen

One of the joys when using TiVo is that we don't watch commercials anymore. We don't see the mediocre, time-wasting, annoying, under- and over-produced drivel that interrupts the narrative of the show we want to watch. Truly, time-shifting and commercial skipping redefine the television experience and make it enjoyable, but I digress.

Anyway, a benefit to TiVo is that when you aren't sure what really happened, or just want to take another look at that TV moment, you can. You just rewind a few seconds and watch it again! Lately, we stop for this Starbucks commercial. It is pure laugh-at-yourself enjoyment with a damn good soundtrack. Try it, you'll like it.
"Glen's the man, going to work
Got his tie, got ambition
Middle management is right in his grasp
Its a dream he will never let die!!!!!"

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